Submitted by dervin on
Today, there is no shortage of challenges for companies in France’s leading industrial sector. While the energy crisis has a direct impact on their daily lives and has consequences at many levels, water pressure and widespread inflation in the price of raw materials are very real, the LPNs are more than ever looking for solutions. 
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Today, there is no shortage of challenges for companies in France’s leading industrial sector. While the energy crisis has a direct impact on their daily lives and has consequences at many levels, water pressure and widespread inflation in the price of raw materials are very real, the LPNs are more than ever looking for solutions. 
To meet this need and present possible innovative solutions that will change the daily life of the plant, CFIA decided to dedicate the theme of its flagship animation "The Agro Factory of the Future" to the following theme: “Water: reduce, reuse, recycle”. It will be addressed through a showroom with different demonstrators, start-ups offering innovative solutions but also a partner space. 

Image de la vignette
Usine agro du futur