AI expert John Rauscher at CFIA Rennes!


This serial entrepreneur, a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, has co-founded four companies, one of which was acquired by Oracle, the world's number 2 software company. Another became a recognized leader in artificial intelligence, now owned by an investment fund linked to a world leader in luxury goods.

John has overseen the deployment of some one hundred AI projects at customer sites. His approach is direct and concrete.

His motto: “I have strong convictions and no certainties”.

With extensive international experience in the USA, Asia and Europe, John is also the author of four best-selling books: “A la conquête de la Silicon Valley” (Eyrolles - Editions d'Organisation) and “PME : Réussir à l'international”, prefaced by Christine Lagarde and published by Groupe l'Express.

His third and fourth books, “La Révolution des Services 4.0” and “The Rise of the Cobot”, address the industrialization of consulting thanks to collaborative work between consulting experts and artificial intelligence.

Join us on Tuesday March 4, 2025 on the Agora from 2:45pm to 3:15pm.